

  1. # KingKits Configuration
  2. #OP能否忽略限制(如冷却时间)
  3. Op bypass: true
  4. #数据库设置
  5. MySQL:
  6.   Enabled: false
  7.   Host: localhost
  8.   Port: 3306
  9.   Username: root
  10.   Password: ''
  11.   Database: kingkits
  12.   Table prefix: kk_
  13. #图形菜单
  14. GUI:
  15.   #标题
  16.   Title: <menucolour>PvP Kits
  17.   #格数
  18.   Size: 36
  19.   Page button:
  20.     ID: 77
  21.     Data value: 0
  22.   #重生后获取?
  23.   Show on respawn: false
  24. #插件生效的世界
  25. PvP Worlds:
  26. - All
  27. #多世界背包插件名称
  28. Multiple world inventories plugin: Multiverse-Inventories
  29. Multi-inventories: false
  30. Enable kits command: true
  31. Enable create kits command: true
  32. Enable delete kits command: true
  33. Enable rename kits command: true
  34. Enable create user kits command: true
  35. Enable delete user kits command: true
  36. Enable rename user kits command: true
  37. Enable refill command: true
  38. Enable preview kit command: true
  39. #牌子格式
  40. Kit sign: '[Kit]'
  41. Kit list sign: '[KList]'
  42. Kit sign valid: '[&1Kit&0]'
  43. Kit sign invalid: '[&cKit&0]'
  44. Kit list sign valid: '[&1KList&0]'
  45. Refill sign: '[KRefill]'
  46. Refill sign valid: '[&1KRefill&0]'
  47. #有没有冷却时间
  48. Kit cooldown enabled: true
  49. #在加入时列出所有职业?(建议关闭)
  50. List kits on join: false
  51. Use permissions on join: true
  52. Use permissions for kit list: true
  53. Kit list mode: Text
  54. Sort kits alphabetically: true
  55. Remove items on leave: true
  56. #死亡物品掉落?
  57. Drop items on death: false
  58. Drop items: false
  59. Drop animations:
  60. - 281
  61. #允许拾起物品
  62. Allow picking up items: true
  63. Clear inventories on reload: true
  64. #死后重置职业
  65. One kit per life: false
  66. #检查更新
  67. Check for updates: false
  68. Automatically update: false
  69. #计分板
  70. Enable score: false
  71. Score chat prefix: '&6[&a<score>&6]'
  72. Score per kill: 2
  73. Max score: 2147483647
  74. Remove potion effects on leave: true
  75. Set compass target to nearest player: true
  76. Quick soup: true
  77. #灵芝汤一碗回复血量
  78. Quick soup heal: 2.5
  79. Requires kit to use refill: true
  80. #更换职业时执行指令
  81. Command to run when changing kits: ''
  82. #是否关闭世界保护(默认可以破坏和放置方块)
  83. Disable block placing and breaking: false
  84. #关闭死亡信息
  85. Disable death messages: false
  86. #锁定饱和度
  87. Lock hunger level: true
  88. #20即为永久饱和
  89. Hunger lock: 20
  90. Custom message: '&6You have chosen the kit &c<kit>&6.'
  91. Disable gamemode while using a kit: false
  92. #记录杀敌数(默认关闭)
  93. Enable killstreaks: false
  94. #武器装备不损坏
  95. Disable item breaking: true
  96. #加入时打开图形菜单
  97. Kit menu on join: false
  98. Clear items on kit creation: true
  99. #职业特技
  100. Kit particle effects: false
  101. Show kit preview: false
  102. Replace items when selecting a kit: true
  103. Drop items on full inventory: false
  104. Remove kit on death: true
  105. Decrease score on auto unlock: false
  106. #死亡后扣钱(积分)
  107. Decrease score on death: false
  108. #死亡后执行指令
  109. Commands to run on death: []




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