新命令/bossbar 自定义boss血条实现指向效果


看着挺高端,其实原理超级简单。就是最基础的Vector Math:点积(dot product)
init.mcfunction [LOAD]
  1. # Initialization
  2. # Create bossbar
  3. bossbar create bossbar:target "TARGET"
  4. # Player's location (X,Z)
  5. scoreboard objectives add pos_p_x dummy
  6. scoreboard objectives add pos_p_z dummy
  7. # Target's location (X,Z)
  8. scoreboard objectives add pos_t_x dummy
  9. scoreboard objectives add pos_t_z dummy
  10. # Player-facing vector (X,Z)
  11. scoreboard objectives add vec_yw_x dummy
  12. scoreboard objectives add vec_yw_z dummy
  13. # Target-to-player vector (X,Z)
  14. scoreboard objectives add vec_nvt_x dummy
  15. scoreboard objectives add vec_nvt_z dummy
  16. # Current dot product
  17. scoreboard objectives add int_dp_vt dummy
  18. # Max dot product
  19. scoreboard objectives add int_dp_mx dummy
  20. # Caclation output flag (to current or  to max)
  21. scoreboard objectives add con_mx_bool dummy
  22. # Temp score when calculating abs
  23. scoreboard objectives add tmp_abs_swp dummy


bossbar_navigation.mcfunction [TICK]

  1. # Calculation
  2. # Set storage flag(to max or current)
  3. # Max
  4. scoreboard players set @a con_mx_bool 1
  5. # Calculate
  6. execute as @a at @s facing entity @e[tag=target,sort=nearest,limit=1] eyes run function bossbar:bossbar_dotproduct_calculation
  7. # Store max
  8. execute as @a store result bossbar bossbar:target max run scoreboard players get @s int_dp_mx
  9. # Current
  10. scoreboard players set @a con_mx_bool 0
  11. # Calculate
  12. execute as @a at @s run function bossbar:bossbar_dotproduct_calculation
  13. # Set display
  14. # Current equals or is greater than 0
  15. execute as @a[scores={int_dp_vt=0..}] run function bossbar:bossbar_positive_display
  16. # Current is less than 0
  17. execute as @a[scores={int_dp_vt=..-1}] run function bossbar:bossbar_minus_display
  18. # Glow the target so that player can identify them easily
  19. execute as @a at @s run effect give @e[tag=target,sort=nearest,limit=1] minecraft:glowing 1



  1. # Reset Scoreboards
  2. # Current case
  3. execute if entity @s[scores={con_mx_bool=0}] run scoreboard players set @s int_dp_vt 0
  4. # Max case
  5. execute if entity @s[scores={con_mx_bool=1}] run scoreboard players set @s int_dp_mx 0
  6. # Get player's location (X,Z)
  7. execute store result score @s pos_p_x run data get entity @s Pos[0] 100
  8. execute store result score @s pos_p_z run data get entity @s Pos[2] 100
  9. # Get player's facing vector(have not been normalized)
  10. # Summon length-marker
  11. execute if entity @s[scores={con_mx_bool=0}] rotated ~ 0 run summon minecraft:area_effect_cloud ^ ^ ^1 {CustomName:"[\"p_dir\"]"}
  12. # Get length-marker's location
  13. execute store result score @s pos_t_x run data get entity @e[name=p_dir,sort=nearest,limit=1] Pos[0] 100
  14. execute store result score @s pos_t_z run data get entity @e[name=p_dir,sort=nearest,limit=1] Pos[2] 100
  15. # Calculate the vector
  16. scoreboard players operation @s vec_yw_x = @s pos_t_x
  17. scoreboard players operation @s vec_yw_z = @s pos_t_z
  18. execute run scoreboard players operation @s vec_yw_x -= @s pos_p_x
  19. execute run scoreboard players operation @s vec_yw_z -= @s pos_p_z
  20. # Get target-to-player vector
  21. # Get target's location
  22. # Summon plainizer(X,Z)
  23. execute run summon minecraft:area_effect_cloud ~ ~ ~ {CustomName:"[\"plainizer\"]"}
  24. # Correct the plainizer's location(Tx,Py,Tz)
  25. execute store result entity @e[name=plainizer,sort=nearest,limit=1] Pos[0] double 1 run data get entity @e[tag=target,sort=nearest,limit=1] Pos[0]
  26. execute store result entity @e[name=plainizer,sort=nearest,limit=1] Pos[1] double 1 run data get entity @s Pos[1]
  27. execute store result entity @e[name=plainizer,sort=nearest,limit=1] Pos[2] double 1 run data get entity @e[tag=target,sort=nearest,limit=1] Pos[2]
  28. # Summon length-marker
  29. execute facing entity @e[name=plainizer,sort=nearest,limit=1] eyes run summon minecraft:area_effect_cloud ^ ^ ^1 {CustomName:"[\"tp_dir\"]"}
  30. # Get length-marker's location
  31. execute store result score @s pos_t_x run data get entity @e[name=tp_dir,sort=nearest,limit=1] Pos[0] 100
  32. execute store result score @s pos_t_z run data get entity @e[name=tp_dir,sort=nearest,limit=1] Pos[2] 100
  33. # Calculate the vector
  34. scoreboard players operation @s vec_nvt_x = @s pos_t_x
  35. scoreboard players operation @s vec_nvt_z = @s pos_t_z
  36. execute run scoreboard players operation @s vec_nvt_x -= @s pos_p_x
  37. execute run scoreboard players operation @s vec_nvt_z -= @s pos_p_z
  38. # Max case
  39. execute if entity @s[scores={con_mx_bool=1}] run scoreboard players operation @s vec_yw_x = @s vec_nvt_x
  40. execute if entity @s[scores={con_mx_bool=1}] run scoreboard players operation @s vec_yw_z = @s vec_nvt_z
  41. # Dot Product
  42. # Multiply the x and z of direction-vector to the x and z of target-to-player vector
  43. execute run scoreboard players operation @s vec_nvt_x *= @s vec_yw_x
  44. execute run scoreboard players operation @s vec_nvt_z *= @s vec_yw_z
  45. # Add the result to output-scoreboards
  46. # Current case
  47. execute if entity @s[scores={con_mx_bool=0}] run scoreboard players operation @s int_dp_vt += @s vec_nvt_x
  48. execute if entity @s[scores={con_mx_bool=0}] run scoreboard players operation @s int_dp_vt += @s vec_nvt_z
  49. # Max case
  50. execute if entity @s[scores={con_mx_bool=1}] run scoreboard players operation @s int_dp_mx += @s vec_nvt_x
  51. execute if entity @s[scores={con_mx_bool=1}] run scoreboard players operation @s int_dp_mx += @s vec_nvt_z


※ 暂未想到办法简化第二个plainizer...感谢玄素dalao提供rotated思路
  1. # Set color
  2. bossbar set bossbar:target color white
  3. # Write result to bossbar
  4. execute store result bossbar bossbar:target value run scoreboard players get @s int_dp_vt



  1. # Set color
  2. bossbar set bossbar:target color red
  3. # Get |int_dp_vt| by |int_dp_vt| = -int_dp_vt(int_dp_vt < 0) = int_dp_vt - 2 * int_dp_vt
  4. scoreboard players operation @s tmp_abs_swp = @s int_dp_vt
  5. scoreboard players operation @s int_dp_vt -= @s tmp_abs_swp
  6. scoreboard players operation @s int_dp_vt -= @s tmp_abs_swp
  7. # Write result to bossbar
  8. execute store result bossbar bossbar:target value run scoreboard players get @s int_dp_vt


※ 以上所有文件都存在于bossbar命名空间内。请根据需要自行修改
※ [LOAD]为load.json内的function [TICK]为tick.json内的function
※ 注意,尽管我使用了@a,但是这个命令组只支持一个玩家。因为bossbar只有一个。


u 玩家朝向的二维向量(因为朝向只存在于xz平民啊内,只考虑x和z) v 玩家指向目标的二维向量(同样存在于xz平面内)
我们要干什么?是得到 u·v,为了方便操作防止超精度我们得normalize一下,所以得到
normalize(u) · normalize(v)


  pos_开头表示坐标 vec_开头表示向量 这两种量的第三项都是[x,y,z]以表示分量。因为在xz平面内操作所以只用到了x和z
  剩下的int_ con_ tmp_都是一些常量啊整数啊临时值啊之类的东西
重点是这两个向量的求法了。前者的获取很简单,以rotated ~ 0执行以确保平行于xz平面,然后在^ ^ ^1位置生成一个aec,获取坐标然后相减。
※ 我们把坐标当作向量来操作。相减就能得到两个向量的头指向另一个向量的头的向量。

u · v = uxvx + uyvy所以我们需要做的就是分别把两个向量的分量相乘然后相加了。
好的!我们现在拥有了这两个向量的点积。但是只要稍加尝试就会发现点积的最大值会随玩家到目标的距离增加而增加……但是我们的bossbar需要最大值啊?所以我们只要计算最大值就行了。根据点积的定义,只要我们的 yaw向量=(-1 * 玩家-目标向量),点积的值就是最大的。所以我们只要获取一个玩家面向目标时的点积就行了。具体做法就看我发上去的命令吧。
分为两种情况:1.≥0 2.<0



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